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深 圳 天 众 塑 胶 有 限 公 司


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深圳天众塑胶有限公司是中港合资,专业从事塑料深加工的企业。主要生产设备从日本、美国、德国、法国引进,具有国际先进水平;并配备Brabender流变仪、塑料管材耐压仪,气相色谱仪、塑料管材耐压仪、透气性测试仪等先进的检测仪器和研究开发设备,公司拥有一批包括博士、硕士、高级工程师在内的专业技术人才和高素质的生产经营管理人才队伍。  天众塑胶公司建立了完整的质量保证体系,目前持有英国BSI ISO9001:2000质量体系认证证书。  天众塑胶公司年产PVC硬片、PET片材、塑料管材管件等塑胶制品3万吨,其中“深塑”牌PVC硬片系列产品是广东省名牌产品,产品质量符合我国和美国FDA食品、药品、卫生标准,产销量、产品质量居全国同行业之首。UPVC芯层发泡管材管件被列为建设部科技成果重点推广产品。  Shenzhen Tianzhong Plastics Company is the result of purchase of Shenzhen Plastics Company, Shenzhen Color Sheets Company, Shenzhen Shensu Chemical and Building Material Company, all of which are affiliated to Shenzhen Petrochemical Group Co., Ltd. Main production equipment of advanced level is introduced from Japan, US, Germany and France.And Brabender rheometer, plastic tubing hi-pot tester, gas chromatograph,air permeability tester and other sophisticated testers and research equipment are also provided. The Company boasts a group of technicians including doctors,masters and senior engineers as well as high-caliber talents involved in production, market and management.   A complete quality assurance system has been established, and ISO9001:2000 Quality System Certification by BSI has been achieved.   Primarily engaged in the deep processing of plastics, Tianzhong has an annual output of 30,000 tons of rigid PVC sheet, PET sheet , plastic tubing and pipe fittings as well as other plastic products, among which SHENSU brand rigid PVC sheet series are name brand products in Guangdong Province, meeting the food hygiene standards of China and FDA in terms of quality and ranking the first in the industry in terms of output, sales volume and quality. UPVC core-layer foamed tubing and pipe fittings are listed as key products for promotion of scientific and technological achievements by the Ministry of Construction.
公司名称: 深 圳 天 众 塑 胶 有 限 公 司 公司类型: 企业单位 (制造商,贸易商)
所 在 地: 广东/深圳市 公司规模: 101-200人
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份:
经营模式: 制造商,贸易商
经营范围: PVC-U芯层发泡排水,邮电通信管材管件
销售的产品: PVC-U芯层发泡排水,邮电通信管材管件
塑料 / 塑料制品
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